Code of Ethics

All employees practice code of ethics.


A company fulfilling social responsibility through ethical management

SSP makes resolutions for enacting and practicing the code of ethics as the standard for correct behavior and value judgment applied to all executives and staff in accomplishing the mission and and vision based on the management philosophy

Pride and Confidence
All employees of SSP hold pride and confidence as the member, handle the tasks fairly and faithfully based on related regulations and maintain company’s honor and dignity.
We make continuous efforts for self-development to have competence company desires.
Talent Cultivation
We respect personality of all members, provide equal work opportunity based on aptitude and ability and develop abilities for fostering talents.
Cooperation / Communication
We respect other departments and co-workers and enhance work efficiency through active cooperation and smooth communication.
Customer Orientation
We think from the perspective of customers, respect customer opinion and handle customer complaints like ours.
Standard Observance
We record and reports all works and behaviors accurately based on internal regulations to prevent business leakage.
Security Observance
We protect company’s asset and thoroughly observe security on information acquired from work process and confidential matters.
We provide opportunities for all partner companies to participate in trading and don’t get involved in unethical and unjustifiable act using the superior position.
We don’t take any form of financial profit from interested parties to make fair decision making.
We don’t use company’s property for individual profit and we prohibit any behavior or relation that conflicts with company’s interest.